Images Showing Up Blank Within Editor


One of my images is showing up blank within the editor, here:

Double click the image to the left of the top green button to open the popup, and there should be an image to the left side, like at .

Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?


  • James.


image is there, it’s just because it’s hidden on start, sitecake can’t determine it’s width and puts NaN for width when rendering it. Can you try to put fix width on image tag?

Thanks for the reply, but there IS a fixed width and height in the image code…

<img src="images/report-longsqueeze-273px.png" alt="" width="211" height="273" border="0">

Still no reply after 8 days? Come on guys… Any help?

There are currently no “max-width” CSS rules influencing the image and the height and width are set to a fixed number.

The only thing that makes the image show up is setting the “position” CSS rule to “relative”, but then that removes the sc-content functionality stops it from being editable.

I’ve been waiting nearly 2 weeks for a decent response now guys. Help please?


  • James.