Various Elements Not Able To Be Edited


My customer support manager has recorded this quick video showing various items on a page that can’t be edited:

View The Video

… And here’s the page in question so you can view the source code for it:

We figured out editing the page’s title, but how would we fix those other things?


  • James.

He also says…

“The “Details” button doesn’t function; neither do the other two buttons to the left.”


  • James.

Hi, I’m getting 404 when go to

Sorry, the client hasn’t completed some steps required of him.

Here’s a different URL you can see the source code of: .


  • James.


when I log in I can see there is no logo, and menu items still float to right, so I guess you fixed that problem. Anyway, this is not due sitecake. It’s due page layout/structure/css.
As for lists, sc-content shouldn’t be set on <ul> tag. It should be set on container that contains <ul> tag (and other editable content items if any)
As for list on short.html page, same thing… sc-content should be set on wrapping container (.benefitslist in your case)
Container with cover is not marked with sc-content at all, and when lightbox is opened, you can close it with Esc key. If that close button would be done as <a> and not actual <button> tag it would also close it on click. Sitecake is passing click events only to links that are not inside editable container. All other clicks on page are captured by sitecake for editing purposes.

Please check out our documentation for details on sitecake integration and sc-content usage.

Thanks for the reply! I appreciate you going through that.

Logo & Top menu - Yeah, we had to remove the logo manually via HTML due to the customer needing their project finished asap - which isn’t a fix, because our customers can’t read or code HTML. So that still doesn’t work as intended.

Lists - I’ve just done that and the same thing applies. I have a div container with sc-content on it, yet the list elements aren’t editable in the admin page. See .

Cover - I can’t mark the image as sc-content because if I do, I can’t open the popup window in the editor because it edits the element instead of opening it. Is there a way around this?

Popup window button - That’s a script from a third-party, so I’ll see if we can change that without breaking the whole thing.

But let me know about the above questions, then we can get this fixed :slight_smile:


  • James.


Lists - I had to hard refresh the page for the coding update to show, which allowed me to edit the list text. But after making a change, it totally screws up the bullets. See the end result here: .


  • James.

Ok, but like I said in previous post. This is not problem with sitecake. Your page layout doesn’t looks same with and without logo in header. It’s probably due css. On you still have <img> tag in HTML, it’s just not visible. If you remove <img> tag from HTML manually, your menu will go center.

In sitecake list is rendered without any class in <li> elements. You can style it by setting class on <ul> element, and sitecake won’t screw it up.

There is a way. Check out Freelancer by Start Bootstrap demo on our templates page

Even if you can’t cahnge it, you still have option with Esc key.

Thanks for the reply!

I’ve managed to fix the close button, and being able to edit the popup-generating image, but I can’t see to edit the bullets without it either causing weird layout errors in the editor OR making the bullets lose the green check image.

Here’s the on-page code…

<div class="sc-content">
		<ul data-lead-id="tutorial-list-1" class="tutorial__list tutorial__list__copy">
			<li>Eliminate your overwhelm by letting these tools do all the technical work <em>for</em> you.</li>
			<li>Finally be able to set up a profitable online business online business in the fastest and easiest way possible.</li>

And here’s the CSS…

.tutorial__list {
	text-align: center;
	list-style: none;
	font-size: 1rem;
	display: inline-block;
	vertical-align: top;
	padding: 30px 0 25px;
	margin-right: 20px;
.tutorial__list__copy {
	padding-bottom: 28px;
	padding-right: 17px;
	text-align: left;
	width: 490px;
li p {
	display: inline;
.tutorial__list__copy:before {
	content: '\f00c';
	width: 20px;
	font-family: FontAwesome;
	color: #1ec277;
	margin-left: -20px;
	display: inline-block;

… What would I need to change?


  • James.

Never mind, I fixed this myself after about an hour of trying (I’m not a coder). Please see my other thread for the last remaining error: Images Showing Up Blank Within Editor .


  • James.