(TypeError) : undefined is not an object (evaluating 'c[0].getAttribute')

I am trying to isntall sitecake.

I followed instructions. uploaded my website and sitecake on my server

I can open www . mydomain . tld/sitecake/2.4.7/config/check.php
and read:
Basic server configuration needed for Sitecake to run is OK

when I open www . mydomain . tld/sitecake.php
I see the password asking I type admin, press enter and the following error shows:

Sitecake Version: 2.4.7; PHP Version: 5.6.32@Linux; User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/604.3.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0.1 Safari/604.3.5; Uncaught Exception
(TypeError) : undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘c[0].getAttribute’) com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘c[0].getAttribute’) at Unknown.yY(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.HY(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.RV(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.cX(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown._U(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown._T(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.cU(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.PU(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.ZU(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown._T(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.cU(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.hlb(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.Zi(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.cj(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.zj(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.Cj(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.anonymous(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.global code(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.appendChild(Unknown) at Unknown.__installRunAsyncCode(http://mydomain.tld/sitecake/2.4.7/client/contentmanager/contentmanager.nocache.js) at Unknown.__gwtInstallCode(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.Pj(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.lk(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.anonymous(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.zj(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.Cj(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.anonymous(http : // mydomain . tld/sitecake.php) at Unknown.global code(http://mydomain.tld/sitecake/2.4.7/client/contentmanager/deferredjs/C8E14CBD5282ED7216D7B86ECDC443C0/13.cache.js)

What is causing this error? I really need this working soon! please help!

Sorry forgot to mention… this happens both on safari and chrome. other I didn’t test. and the domain is musikfueralle one-dot com

Ok, I found the line in my html that was crashing sitecake … and it’s weird…

In the head tag I had a meta tag:
< meta name=“application-name” content=“Musik für Alle”>

It’s this tag that crashed it!! why?!
I have a similar one that doesn’t crash:
< meta name=“apple-mobile-web-app-title” content=“Musik für Alle”>

So I temporarily removed that tag and now SiteCake is working! That’s nice! but is this a bug?

Sitecake uses ‘application-name’ meta tag internally so it gets confused if you already defined it in you template. If you check html when you are in edit mode, you can see there is ‘application-name’ meta tag generated.

ok I understand! I’m glad it was a quick fix… but very weird error for a newbie. Maybe mention this in the docs? or allow for users to define their application-name tag