Stuck in Login Loop

Followed Sitecake instructions exactly. Uploaded to root directory and added classes to HTML tags.

The problem is when I attempt to login. It says the password is correct but then just reloads the login page.

I never actually get any of the editor options since I’m stuck in a login loop.

The only thing that may be different is that SiteCake is installed in a sub-directory, not the root of the domain, as this is where the files I want to edit are located.

So it’s located at

Any help would be appreciated.

try this Can't login to sitecake after install

Thanks for the reply.

After following the steps I am now left with an “Internal Server Error” when trying to access sitecake.php

what you need to do to fix your server is undo the changes you did in the php.ini file.

Sitecake Works fine in subdirectories

Are the Permissions Properly Set on your sitecake directory

I didn’t actually change anything in the php.ini (I added a new ini file as the link suggested. Removing this and using the default doesn’t seem to change anything.)

I get the Internal Server Error when changing the permissions on the SiteCake directory.

I set the permissions of the entire folder + files to 777 and I get Internal Server Error.

The error log still shows it’s unable to execute the mkDir command.

It’s fine. I’ve installed in on another web server and I don’t get these errors.

Well if that works for you, i was only trying to help you troubleshoot your server