Sorry for the long reply, I was off.
What I expect is to override a data-lazyload attribute on image when I enter in the admin panel.
So here is how it is expected to work : I have a page with divs pre-filled with a generic img ( data-lazyload=“500x300.jpg” ’ ). When the data-lazyload attribute match with this string ‘500x300’ and the edit mode variable is false, these divs are hidden by a js function in public mode, so only the one that have already been edited are shown. In edit mode, those generic images are displayed in order to edit it.
The issue : on the admin.php access just after filling the password, the
tag is attributed with src=unknown, BUT if i reload the page, the generic placeholder image is well displayed. In fact, each time I log into this page, I have to reload it in order to SC take the data-lazyload attribute into account.
the html :
`<div class="fbox-media sc-content">
<a href="">
<img alt="" data-lazyload="/images/500x333.jpg">
the js
function() {
var lazyLoadEl = $('[data-lazyload]');
if ( !window.sitecakeGlobals || sitecakeGlobals.editMode !== true ) {
if( lazyLoadEl.length > 0 ) {
lazyLoadEl.each( function(){
var element = $(this),
elementImg = element.attr( 'data-lazyload' );
element.attr( 'src', '/images/blank.svg' ).css({ 'background': 'url(/images/preloader.gif) no-repeat center center #FFF' });
element.appear(function () {
element.css({ 'background': 'none' }).removeAttr( 'width' ).removeAttr( 'height' ).attr('src', elementImg);
},{accX: 0, accY: 120},'easeInCubic');
} else{
if( lazyLoadEl.length > 0 ) {
lazyLoadEl.each( function(){
var element = $(this),
elementImg = element.attr( 'data-lazyload' );
element.attr( 'src', elementImg );
Let me know if it’s unclear
Thank you