SiteCake encountered a problem!

Just started using Sitecake last night and I haven’t been able to get it working. I added the “sc-content” class to a div tag with content, I then log-in. After that, whenever I click anywhere on the site, I get the following error.

<code class="GN3KFNTBOP">Uncaught Exception<br>
(TypeError): s.collapse is not a function (TypeError): s.collapse is not a function
    at Unknown.com_allen_1sauer_gwt_dnd_client_util_impl_DOMUtilImplSafari_$cancelAllDocumentSelections__Lcom_allen_1sauer_gwt_dnd_client_util_impl_DOMUtilImplSafari_2V(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.com_allen_1sauer_gwt_dnd_client_MouseDragHandler$1_execute__V(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_SchedulerImpl_runScheduledTasks__Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JsArray_2Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JsArray_2Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JsArray_2(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_SchedulerImpl_$flushPostEventPumpCommands__Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_impl_SchedulerImpl_2V(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_SchedulerImpl$Flusher_execute__Z(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_SchedulerImpl_execute__Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_Scheduler$RepeatingCommand_2Z(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_Impl_entry0__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown source:0)
    at Unknown.anonymous(Unknown source:0)

I am running PHP 5.6.12 and Nginx 1.8.0

If I understand correctly, you have been able to login, right? But after that, anytime you tried something in the edit mode you get the reported exception.
It seems that there is a problem with the particular template (HTML page). Have you tried some other templates? Could you share the page html?

You are correct, I can login but I get this error whenever I click anywhere on the page.

Here is the index.html code

	Striped by HTML5 UP | @n33co
	Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (
		<title>Striped by HTML5 UP</title>
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
		<!--[if lte IE 8]><script src="assets/js/ie/html5shiv.js"></script><![endif]-->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/main.css" />
		<!--[if lte IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/ie8.css" /><![endif]-->

		<!-- Content -->
			<div id="content">
				<div class="inner">

					<!-- Post -->
						<div class="sc-content box post post-excerpt">
									Note: Titles and subtitles will wrap automatically when necessary, so don't worry
									if they get too long. You can also remove the <p> entirely if you don't
									need a subtitle.
								<h2><a href="#">Welcome to Striped</a></h2>
								<p>A free, fully responsive HTML5 site template by HTML5 UP</p>
							<div class="info">
									Note: The date should be formatted exactly as it's shown below. In particular, the
									"least significant" characters of the month should be encapsulated in a <span>
									element to denote what gets dropped in 1200px mode (eg. the "uary" in "January").
									Oh, and if you don't need a date for a particular page or post you can simply delete
									the entire "date" element.

								<span class="date"><span class="month">Jul<span>y</span></span> <span class="day">14</span><span class="year">, 2014</span></span>
									Note: You can change the number of list items in "stats" to whatever you want.
								<ul class="stats">
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-comment">16</a></li>
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-heart">32</a></li>
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-twitter">64</a></li>
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-facebook">128</a></li>
							<a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
								<strong>Hello!</strong> You're looking at <strong>Striped</strong>, a fully responsive HTML5 site template designed by <a href="">AJ</a>
								for <a href="">HTML5 UP</a> It features a clean, minimalistic design, styling for all basic page elements (including blockquotes, tables and lists), a
								repositionable sidebar (left or right), and HTML5/CSS3 code designed for quick and easy customization (see code comments for details).
								Striped is released for free under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution license</a> so feel free to use it for personal projects
								or even commercial ones &ndash; just be sure to credit <a href="">HTML5 UP</a> for the design. If you like what you see here, be sure to check out
								<a href="">HTML5 UP</a> for more cool designs or follow me on <a href="">Twitter</a> for new releases and updates.

					<!-- Post -->
						<div class="sc-content box post post-excerpt">
								<h2><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a></h2>
								<p>Feugiat interdum sed commodo ipsum consequat dolor nullam metus</p>
							<div class="info">
								<span class="date"><span class="month">Jul<span>y</span></span> <span class="day">8</span><span class="year">, 2014</span></span>
								<ul class="stats">
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-comment">16</a></li>
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-heart">32</a></li>
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-twitter">64</a></li>
									<li><a href="#" class="icon fa-facebook">128</a></li>
							<a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic02.jpg" alt="" /></a>
								Quisque vel sapien sit amet tellus elementum ultricies. Nunc vel orci turpis. Donec id malesuada metus.
								Nunc nulla velit, fermentum quis interdum quis, tate etiam commodo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dolore.
								Quisque vel sapien sit amet tellus elementum ultricies. Nunc vel orci turpis. Donec id malesuada metus.
								Nunc nulla velit, fermentum quis interdum quis, convallis eu sapien. Integer sed ipsum ante.

					<!-- Pagination -->
						<div class="pagination">
							<!--<a href="#" class="button previous">Previous Page</a>-->
							<div class="pages">
								<a href="#" class="active">1</a>
								<a href="#">2</a>
								<a href="#">3</a>
								<a href="#">4</a>
								<a href="#">20</a>
							<a href="#" class="button next">Next Page</a>


		<!-- Sidebar -->
			<div id="sc-content-sidebar">

				<!-- Logo -->
					<h1 id="logo"><a href="#">STRIPED</a></h1>

				<!-- Nav -->
					<nav id="nav">
							<li class="current"><a href="#">Latest Post</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">Archives</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">About Me</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">Contact Me</a></li>

				<!-- Search -->
					<section class="box search">
						<form method="post" action="#">
							<input type="text" class="text" name="search" placeholder="Search" />

				<!-- Text -->
					<section class="box text-style1">
						<div class="inner">
								<strong>Striped:</strong> A free and fully responsive HTML5 site
								template designed by <a href="">AJ</a> for <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>

				<!-- Recent Posts -->
					<section class="box recent-posts">
							<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
							<li><a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">Feugiat nisl aliquam</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">Sed dolore magna</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">Malesuada commodo</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">Ipsum metus nullam</a></li>

				<!-- Recent Comments -->
					<section class="box recent-comments">
							<h2>Recent Comments</h2>
							<li>case on <a href="#">Lorem ipsum dolor</a></li>
							<li>molly on <a href="#">Sed dolore magna</a></li>
							<li>case on <a href="#">Sed dolore magna</a></li>

				<!-- Calendar -->
					<section class="box calendar">
						<div class="inner">
								<caption>July 2014</caption>
										<th scope="col" title="Monday">M</th>
										<th scope="col" title="Tuesday">T</th>
										<th scope="col" title="Wednesday">W</th>
										<th scope="col" title="Thursday">T</th>
										<th scope="col" title="Friday">F</th>
										<th scope="col" title="Saturday">S</th>
										<th scope="col" title="Sunday">S</th>
										<td colspan="4" class="pad"><span>&nbsp;</span></td>
										<td><a href="#">6</a></td>
										<td><a href="#">10</a></td>
										<td class="today"><a href="#">14</a></td>
										<td><a href="#">23</a></td>
										<td><a href="#">25</a></td>
										<td class="pad" colspan="3"><span>&nbsp;</span></td>

				<!-- Copyright -->
					<ul id="copyright">
						<li>&copy; Untitled.</li><li>Design: <a href="">HTML5 UP</a></li>


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The template you are using is not working nicely with Sitecake

In other words, it uses some js that is causing problems to Sitecake. We don’t have resources to go into details and inspect the template. Try removing part by part and figuring out what is causing you problems.

That is the best we can do in such cases. If somebody else solved this issue, please help.

Thats OK, I just grabbed the first HTML template I found to test. I’ll try again with some my own hand-coded template

Good evening, finally managed to perform the installation of version 2.2.9, it is even easier than the 1.XX, but when I can start to login, but upon entering the sitecake the DIV that put the SC-CONTENT are not available for editing . How can I fix?
Tip: Divide the forum by versions of sitecake.
Create a documentção the 2.2.9 version to the 1.0.4 version which is very didactic.

Thanks for the tip, but we don’t plan to support v1 for a longer term, so a category is good enough. You are right about documentation, we are working on it.

Regarding your problem, I don’t know how to help, share some code, url to your website, something so we can see how it looks.

Thank problem solved, insert the sc-content in prória calss component rather than create one new div. The sitecake 2.2.9 does not support image gallery that opens a window with bigger picture not my gallery is losing opacity effect when mousing and the picture does not open when this in sitecake.