Hello Nik,
Thanks for you’re answer and sorry for my late reply, since I only work on wednesdays for myself and my companion, my reaction is now.
I’ve looked through the reasons and will name and check them 1 by 1.
I’ve removed ‘http://’ and ‘https://’ due to being a new member and not being able to paste all my links.
1. Do you have an index.html page?
As explained in my initial post, I have an ‘index.php’ the includes the other files, such as:
include_once './paginas/header.php';
$filename = './paginas/'.$_GET['page'].'.php';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$include_path = $filename;
} else {
$include_path = './paginas/404.php';
include_once $include_path;
include_once './paginas/footer.php';
2. Is your HTML valid?
It wasn’t, but it is now: validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Frosegaar-sitecake.caprover.rootsafe.nl%2F
Except for a few “Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections” warnings on a few pages.
3. Check if you uploaded all files from the Sitecake zip
Double checked by extracting from “sitecake-2.4.10-whitelabel.zip” overwriting all existing files and then changing password and timezone.
4. Is your basic server configuration ok?
rosegaar-sitecake.caprover.rootsafe.nl/sitecake/2.4.10/config/requirements.php shows “Basic server configuration needed for Sitecake to run is OK”
5. Too many php files, libraries, folders with unnecessary stuff
I reckon I’m ‘safe’ but please let me know if otherwise.
------------ /var/www/html ------------
26.3 MiB [##########] /assets
10.6 MiB [#### ] /sitecake
2.7 MiB [# ] /images
1.1 MiB [ ] /fonts
1.0 MiB [ ] /css
788.0 KiB [ ] /js
224.0 KiB [ ] /paginas
12.0 KiB [ ] /inc
4.0 KiB [ ] index.php
4.0 KiB [ ] .htaccess
4.0 KiB [ ] admin.php
6. Too many, too large images
The largest file in ‘assets’ is a “6.7M” PDF file, the largest image is “568K”.
The PDF is only linked to via a:
<a href="..">link</a>
7. Don’t mix Wordpress blog and Sitecake website
Not the situation
8. Do not keep more than one website in the Sitecake root folder
Not the situation
9. Permissions issue
Not an issue.
find -type f -exec stat -c%a {} \; | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
4 755
1185 644
find -type d -exec stat -c%a {} \; | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
281 755
10. If everything else fails open sitecake.log
Well, it doesn’t throw any errors, so sitecake.log isn’t created.
It just doesn’t save changes, I’m loading rosegaar-sitecake.caprover.rootsafe.nl (/admin.php) ( /var/www/html/index.php ) that includes home.php ( /var/www/html/paginas/home.php ) and the changes to ‘home.php’ aren’t saved.
When going to /admin.php it breaks the ‘basehref’ and adds whitespaces, so certain images aren’t loaded, please see s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com/public-random/BeeldOpname-2021-05-12_11.45.17.mp4 for the screen footage
What else can I do, is SiteCake not compatible with the ‘include’ structure/method?
If further research is need, I can provide the password via a secured way to the Sitecake team.