Sitecake 2.3.5 (White Label) toolbar issues and editing error

Hi, decided to implement sitecake for one of my clients, I can do basic editing of existing items after installation, yet I seem to be running into several issues:

1.) Can’t add anything from the toolbar (headers, new text blocks, files, images etc) and can’t move items on page.

2.) My html contains image line seperators, all with the following exact same (very simple) code:<img class="line" src="img/line.png"/>
Sitecake adjusts this, but unfortunately depending on what part of the page navigation you’re at for some reason does so differently, which makes part of the lines on my page invisible. This is due to applying a style="width:0%;" to part of the lines.
Visible after Sitecake edit: <img alt="" style="width:100%;" src="/cmstest/img/line.png" srcset="/cmstest/img/line.png 367w"/>
Invisible after Sitecake edit: <img alt="" style="width:0%;" src="/cmstest/img/line.png" srcset="/cmstest/img/line.png 847w"/>

3.) clicking on several items (e.g. several div’s within sitecake blocks) gives me Sitecake errors. Example code as follows, contained within another “sc-content” div: <div class="video"><a href=";showinfo=0&vq=large&autoplay=1" class="fancyframe"><img src="img/img_missievideo.jpg" alt="sign up"></a></div>
Sitecake Version: 2.3.5; PHP Version: 5.6.23@Linux; User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; GWX:DOWNLOADED; GWX:RESERVED; Creative AutoUpdate v1.40.04; rv:11.0) like Gecko; Uncaught Exception (TypeError): Unable to get property 'compareDocumentPosition' of undefined or null reference description: Unable to get property 'compareDocumentPosition' of undefined or null reference number: -2146823281 stack: TypeError: Unable to get property 'compareDocumentPosition' of undefined or null reference at com_google_gwt_dom_client_DOMImplMozilla_$isOrHasChild__Lcom_google_gwt_dom_client_DOMImplMozilla_2Lcom_google_gwt_dom_client_Node_2Lcom_google_gwt_dom_client_Node_2Z

The Sitecake error page contains a link that refers users to report errors directly to Sitecake.
I’d like my users to report errors to me, so I can reproduce them first, and then I’ll communicate with you. Is it possible to adjust the Sitecake White Label error page for this?

Addition on point 3, error-reproduction:

When clicking on such an item immediately (first) in edit mode there is no error/problem.
The error comes when clicking on another editable block first, and then after that clicking on e.g. the contained div.

This also happens inside a “sc-content” div with other div’s in this structure <div><a href><img></a></div>.
Same error/problem with a <fieldset> containing a <form> inside an “sc-content” div.

And another update: on point 3, the error. This seems to be happening with IE11.
Using Chrome it appears to be working without errors.

Points 1 and 2 are issues happening using both Chrome and IE11.

Hi, it seems that you are having problem because you are using unsupported elements inside sitecake container. Inside sitecake container there should only be basic element supported bu Sitecake (p, h1, img…). Only supported div elements inside sc-container are for map, video or custom html, so if you have to use divs or fieldsets inside sc-content container you should use custom html element from toolbar.
As for error page, at the moment there is no possibility to customize error page. That could probably be added in version 3.0 of Sitecake
As for images getting width:0%, I’m not sure what it could be. You can send site details (url and sc password) to PM so I could check it out and try to figure why is it happening

Not being able to edit unsupported elements is not a problem, I expected that.
Them throwing errors when clicking on them is an issue though :wink:
But this behaviour appears to happen in IE, not in Chrome.

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

PS: could you please point me to the error html or php page/file in the sitecake structure?

Currently there is no way to customize error page. Error screen is actually overlay, so you could try to ‘catch’ click on support link in javascript and take it from there. This is something we oversee for white label release, so we will add error page customization option in next release.