"sc-content" has blue outline, but cannot edit

Hello gentlemen!

When loading the webpage while logged into SiteCake, you can hover over the “sc-content” editable areas and they will have the blue outline, but clicking on them to edit them does nothing. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

The expected behavior is to click on the “sc-content” editable zones and the outline turns red and you can type / edit freely.

Thanks in advance!

The blue outline once highlighted has the [ x ] button on the upper-right to delete the “sc-content” and that works. Just editing the text itself, does not work. Editing photos also works. Hope this gives you a bit more information to work with! Thank you!

FIXED: Had to change the CSS [ position: relative; ] to CSS [ position: inherit | unset | initial ]

When issues like this appear, check z-index of other elements/layers on the page. Sometimes they ‘cover’ Sitecake elements and Sitecake can’t get the control.

Excellent! Thank you so much Nik! And again for all your work!

What is a suggested z-index that would work?

I changed the position: relative to Rahkster’s solution of inherit | unset | initial but this did not correct the condition for me. I am still getting the blue outline but not able to edit the content.

The CSS is as follows:
#main {
position: inherit | unset | initial;
z-index: 10;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #fbfbfb;

Thank you.

I have the same issue. I’ve tried it on multiple sites, some simpler than others and i still can’t edit existing texts. I can only remove the entire element, or add elements above or below the sc-content div/element…