Possible to allow editing inside divs nested inside sc-content?

Hi there,

I have a templated HTML package that have the same editable area on each page. The issue I’m having is that there are divs inside some of the editable content areas, and so any content inside of them is uneditable. Is there any way to get round this?

Link to example page: https://goo.gl/J33WMU



you could put sc-content class on inner div elements (and remove from article tag). For h1 and h2 on top of article tag to be editable, wrap then in div and add sc-content class

Thank you for your reply. I just don’t think this would work with editing the content inside tabs, would it? have you done that before?


not sure, what you are asking, but I checked link you posted once more, and it should work with small changes in HTML


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Psychology A: History and Development of Psychology (FK8D0)

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Sociology A: An Introduction to Sociology (FK8R)

Sociology B: Applying Sociological Theories and Studies to Sociological Topics (FK8T)


Try it out

It’s just too fiddly, it’s not a pragmatic approach for development…

Thank you for you help though