PNG icons dragged onto a page

I am in the process of making a template for the website. I have noticed two things:

  1. a PNG file with dimmensions 48x48px and alpha, when placed on a page via direct drag&drop it is very small on a smartphone. After looking at the code I can see:
<img alt="" style="width:4.5134%;" src="images/facebook-icon-sc67342dac2d639-48.png" srcset="images/facebook-icon-sc67342dac2d639-48.png 48w">

As you can see, when adding an image, the style for its width is automatically set: 4.5134%. @Nik, is it not possible to make it so that from a certain width of the image, a css style="width 100% is added?

  1. it is not possible to add such an icon using ‘drag image from toolbar → open file’. Sitecake does not allow to open such a file. Is it because of the alpha in the file or because of its small size? Maybe it is a bug?

Nevertheless, I have a problem with these icons, because they cannot be added easily. I wonder what to do about it…

EDIT: I got around this problem by using css code:

.sc-content[style] {width: 48px !important; height: 48px;}