My index is php not html end coded

Im trying to add your CMS to my website but when I try to log in via sitecake.php i get…

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

FileNotFoundException in Site.php line 209:
No HTML page found
in Site.php line 209
at Site->getDefaultPage() in Site.php line 214
at Site->getDefaultPublicPage() in Renderer.php line 18
at Renderer->loginResponse() in Router.php line 22
at Router->route(object(Request)) in admin-full.php line 109
at {closure}(object(Application), object(Request))
at call_user_func_array(object(Closure), array(object(Application), object(Request))) in HttpKernel.php line 145
at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), ‘1’) in HttpKernel.php line 66
at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), ‘1’, true) in Application.php line 538
at Application->handle(object(Request)) in Application.php line 515
at Application->run() in admin-full.php line 118
at include(’/home/topson54/public_html/sitecake/2.2.10/server/admin-full.php’) in admin.php line 35
at include(’/home/topson54/public_html/sitecake/2.2.10/server/admin.php’) in sitecake.php line 1

but when i change my homepage to .html everything is fine but then my site doesnt work. navigation is missing side bar gone. cause i coded it so each piece of the site is implement in a php page that way i just have to edit the one page to effect the whole site instead of going to each page to make the change IE the header image or navigation

figured it out just used the older version

Boa Tarde
Só editar o arquivo site.php
todos os .html para .php
site fica normal para edição
Endereço pra quem usa windows 10

WAMP Server is Considered to Be Insecure and can be exploited and used to compromise the windows machine (especially if you opened up ports and put it on the internet) I Recommend using xampp as it provides better security and management for Development Projects,

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Site Cake is Not Intended For Modifying php Files,

If Your Website uses some other CMS or Forum Software Then You Will Need to Create Your Template From Scratch without sitecake,
Sitecake Does Not Develop Anything For You, Its Pretty Easy to Convert Prebuilt Templates to Work With the Editor,

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