Is User Logged In

I’m currently figuring out how i can add a button/link to each of my pages to basically just redirect to /sitecake.php?scpage=currentpage,php . I would like to display this link/button only if the user is logged in. is there a variable i can use to make this happen. something like

<? if ($sitecake->User->IsLoggedID == true) ?>

Edit this page

<? end if ?>


Hi Mike,

Yes, you can check that with:

if ($_SESSION[‘loggedin’] == 1) { }

Hi Mike,

I made a mistake in the previous code. The right code is:

if ($_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin'] == 1) { print "Logged in!"; }

after doing

<?php if ($_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin'] == 1) { ?>

i get this error
Notice: Undefined index: loggedin

What you could do is check it via AJAX call on page load and render link upon getting response. When logged in sitecake should return json object {status:0} when calling sitecake//src/app.php?service=_session&action=alive. Otherwise you would get 401 Unauthorized error. Below is example using jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { // Here we check if we are in edit mode or not. We don't need to render link if already in edit mode if ( !window.sitecakeGlobals || sitecakeGlobals.editMode !== true ) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'sitecake/<version>/src/app.php?service=_session&action=alive', dataType: 'json', success: function(response) { if(typeof response !== 'undefined' && response.status === 0) { // render your link } }, error: function(xhr) { if(xhr.status === 401) { // You are not logged in so act accordingly } } }); } }); </script>

Downside of this approach is that you will need to change <version> in URL on each Sitecake update. To make it easier, you could create php include so you will need to change it in only one place when you update your sitecake.


You could prevent that error by adding if the variable is set first:

if (isset($_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin']) AND $_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin'] == 1) { print "logged in!"; }

I have tested this without seeing any error.


Would the PHP method I used cause problems? I have pages with sessions in them and I turn them off using this way.

Thanks everyone. i have incorporated all your suggestions and it did the trick

<?php if (isset($_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin']) AND $_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin'] == 1) { ?>
					<a id="lnkEditPage" class="button" href="/edit.php?scpage=<?php echo basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" style="display:none">Edit this page</a>
					<script type="text/javascript">
						$(function() {
							if ( !window.sitecakeGlobals || sitecakeGlobals.editMode !== true ) {
									type: 'GET',
									url: 'sitecake/2.4.4/src/app.php?service=_session&action=alive',
									dataType: 'json',
									success: function(response) {
										if(typeof response !== 'undefined' && response.status === 0) {
									error: function(xhr) {
										if(xhr.status === 403) {
											alert('not logged in');
										if(xhr.status === 401) {
										// You are not logged in so act accordingly
					<?php } ?>

on my config.php file i added:
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) {

<?php if (isset($_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin']) AND $_SESSION['_sf2_attributes']['loggedin'] == 1) { ?>
						Edit this page
					<?php } ?>


it should work. I just suggested another way to do it. Implementation with AJAX will work on both php and plain html sites.