Hi, very interested in buying sitecake. It looks like an excelent solution for my websites.
I do have a question: in my index.php I have a few HTML building php functions (using php print). When trying to testrun PHP on your demo page/toolbar using the Custom HTML feature with a ‘print’ using the regular php open/close tags (for example: <?php '<p>this is just a test</p>'; ?>
) this doesn’t work. The PHP tags aren’t recognized. At least: not on your example page.
Javascript document.write seems to be working on your testpage though if put between script tags, and after pushing ‘publish’ and leaving edit mode.
Any comments? Will the PHP tags (and functions) work when using sitecake on a PHP website? Or is there another way to get custom php code working?
In abscense of custom plugins it would be a great help if PHP functions could be triggered via the custom HTML feature.