I tried the styles for aligning classes on images – very easy to use, that’s great and work on the final page.
But it would be great, if the user can also see the aligning live in edit mode.
It seems, the edit styles are in conflict with the actual selected aligning class.
I think I don’t understand, can you please describe the issue in more details.
I’ve set this style for right aligning images:
.sc-content > img.right { float: right; }
But selected this class during the backend panel is activ doesn’t have any effect.
Only after log out from the panel the image is shown right aligned.
(Image is still on the left side, even if “right”-class is choosed).
Internally some other style seems to override the customer style during logged in.
Yes you are right. Editor is overriding your style. It’s not perfect solution, we know, but we did it in order to make simple some other calculations we need to do with images. We should do it the right way once we release new editor. It’s not top priority right now, but expect it to be solved in a couple of months.
It’s ok for me, not a big thing to deal with that issue in real life.