Hello all! (hope this is the right category to put this under!)
First post here and also new to SiteCake.
I am a white label user, and I have a few clients. As part of each hosting package users are given a control panel not dissimilar to cPanel. This allows them to manage their email accounts but also files. I can remove the options of users having access to FTP and the in browser file manager but I would prefer not to.
What I would really like to set up is have the CMS hosted on our company domain. Then when a user needs a CMS for one of our static sites we can dump the admin.php file and their specific configuration files there.
This way we can stop our clients from downloading the white label SiteCake or accidentally deleting or editing them.
This should in theory be possible since the app is built in PHP and I have seen other solutions work this way. But I need help knowing which files to edit, but I also expect other code will be needed to be added to the existing solution.
If anyone could provide advice, or is willing to set this up please let me know, and your hourly rate.
Sitecake is an awesome solution for the sites we build and we would love to help improve it and provide it to all our clients.
Thank you very much!