Having a ton of trouble on first install (white label) - Mangles Page

Hey There Everyone.

Just purchased sitecake white label and I have not had the best time.
It was purchased for a .php dynamic website and it completely destroys the index page. There’s styling, but it’s completely mangled.

Also, where the documentation for setting up the navigation, or editing sub-pages with sitecake?

The intro/configuration was bare minimum, and not enough to completely understand the software.

Input is greatly appreaciated.



Hi Adam,

to be able to help with your template, we will need you to send url to your site with sitecake password. Please make sure to do it on PM or as a new ticket on support site (http://support.sitecake.com/hc/en-us/requests/new).
As for the menu, you should add sc-nav class to menu so sitecake knows which element in template is menu. In configuration file you can define how menu links should be rendered when new page is created.
Did you went through our docs? (https://sitecake.com/docs/getting-started.html)

It looks like the main portion that was not compatable was the mega menu this site has. Is there a way to have saitecake not destroy the mega menu portion?

For now I excluded it within the .scignore

On the other hand, how can I remove on screen errors, as I do not want to confuse the end user.




you can suppress warnings in config on line #124 by replacing
$app['error.level'] = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT;
$app['error.level'] = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING;
but this is not way to go with.
Better is to check if you are currently editing through sitecake inside your template file:
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $sitecakeEntryFile = 'sitecake.php'; // Or whatever you called your sitecake entry point file if(substr_compare($self, $sitecakeEntryFile, strlen($self)-strlen($sitecakeEntryFile), strlen($sitecakeEntryFile)) === 0) { // You are in edit mode so do what you need while in edit mode } else { // Page is rendered normaly, include your mega menu include('includes/megamenu.php'); }

Hey Predragleka,

I am not sure I understand the second half of your response.
I still want the errors in the log, just dont want the warnings/notifications to display while in edit mode, as this will confuse my clients.

Sorry I wasn’t clear about what is not way to go. Using .scignore file to not display megamenu is not way to go. .scignore is used to tell siteacke not to handle specific files, so sitecake won’t create working draft files. That is why warnings appear. Draft of megamenu file is not created and so it can’t be included (warning).
Second part of post is explanation how you could check if site is in edit mode or not and base on that include or not megamenu file.
Hope this helps