Hello - i don’t clearly understand - is any way to edit Links inside my sc-content area? I’d like to edit links text and urls…
Of course. Select portion of the text and add a link in the toolbar.
@Nik Thank u for r answer… But i meant Existing links - links that have been created before using Sitecake - i can’t managed it (them)
Hi Pyotr,
Could you paste the code that you are trying to get to work here? In general, things that aren’t included in p, ul, ol, or h# tags do not always get recognized by sitecake in my experience. Are they text links or image links?
If it’s text, try placing them within p tags first. Sitecake should recognize them without problem then.
Thank u @hitcom for example link like this i cannot change (text and url):
<div class="col-sm-4 sc-content">
<p><strong>Инструкции и функции</strong></p>
<a class="under1 cap" href="/articles/contents">Инструкции и функции наших нанобиде</a>
Hi Pyotr,
Place the <a></a>
between `
<div class="col-sm-4 sc-content">
<p><strong>Инструкции и функции</strong></p>
<p><a class="under1 cap" href="/articles/contents">Инструкции и функции наших нанобиде</a></p>
@hitcom Thank u! i’ve tried already - but it destroys my link style design. It seems to me i need to define this link classes like Sitecake classes, right?
Thank u again.
Hi Pyotr,
you need to define classes as Sitecake classes (we call it user style - https://sitecake.com/docs/user-styles.html) only if you want those classes to appear inside style dropdown in toolbar. Point that hitcom tried to make is that <a>
tags have to be defined within <p>
tag if you want it to be editable.
Hi @predragleka
I tried - but fail ((
my code is
<div class="col-sm-4 sc-content">
<p><strong>Инструкции и функции</strong></p>
<p><a class="under1 cap" href="/articles/contents">Инструкции и функции наших нанобиде</a></p>
i defined styles like:
div .cap {
text-transform: uppercase;
div a.under1 {
border-bottom: 1px #3cb0fd dotted;
Link is available for editing - but my styles dissappeared and no style at dropdown - no dropdown styles lists at all ((
Hi, links can’t actually be styled through user styles, but you can add style to p element so it should look something like this:
<div class="col-sm-4 sc-content">
<p><strong>Инструкции и функции</strong></p>
<p class="under1 cap"><a href="/articles/contents">Инструкции и функции наших нанобиде</a></p>
and your css should look like this:
.col-sm-4 p.cap a {
text-transform: uppercase;
.col-sm-4 p.under1 a {
border-bottom: 1px #3cb0fd dotted;
@Nik can you confirm this?
Hi! Thank u! i’ve tried your code - uppercase started to work, border-bottom disapear when editing and publishing.
And Dropdown list for style doesn’t appear same…