Doesn't read a html file


I’m using Sitecake release 2.3.4 with php 5.6.7 on a MAMP.
I’ve kept the three steps to config sitecake for my page and when I request the sitecake.php file show me a page with a incorrect format and don’t show the sitecake menu. Some or this errors are that print YPE html> and doesn’t show my nav item.

I’ve kept three steps with a empty page and It work well.

I’ve no ideas what’s happened. What can I do ?


Do you have your site online? You can post url and sitecake password to private message.

pass: by default


Hi, do you have html version without Angular? Try with that version and sitecake. Also, I can see javascript errors in console. Try to get rid of those.

Does sitecake work with Angular? We only have a version with angular.

Hi, try to get rid of js errors first. Not sure, but it could be that errors that appear stops sitecake javascript execution.
Angular shouldn’t be a problem as long as it doesn’t actually renders HTML, but in your case I think it is. Sitecake is working with html/php files. When you render HTML with javascript, problem is that content you have in your physical page and content that is rendered are different.

Hi, I’ve fixed all JS errors and sitecake continue without work. How can I make sitecake work?

Did you delete sitecake-temp and sitecake-backup directories after fixing errors? try that first. If it doesn’t work than the problem is probably because of some conflicts with AngularJS. If that’s the case, I can’t help. Sorry

I’ve deleted sitecake-temp and sitecake-backup directories and sitecake doesn’t work. Is it you to whom I’ve to ask for refund?

Hi, you can ask for refund on Just add this forum topic as reference in Description.
