Chrome 61 scroling behaviour causes Sitecake editing issues. We are working on the patch

Chrome 61 changed default scrolling behaviour which caused editing issues in Sitecake.

Editing a page is normal until the first scroll of the page. After scroll Sitecake fail to locate editable regions, Sitecake toolbar is stuck on the top of the screen, clicking the toolbar make it disappear.

We are currently working on the patch. Please use different browser for editing until the patch.

We patched Chrome 61 scrolling/editing issue and released update to beta channel. Who wants to test can apply at [email protected]

Sitecake 2.5.6 version has been released!
Faster load, save and publish times plus Chrome 61 scrolling issue fixed.

i am using whitelabel version, where the very latest version says 2.4.7 !! ???
and i still cant edit areas after scrollng down in chrome 65. any solution to this?

Hi, this isn’t related with scrolling issue. Maybe have something to do with css? Do you have height:100% on body tag?