Changes won't save

after clicking publish and trying to ‘x’ out my changes won’t save:

Sitecake\Exception\Http\UnauthorizedException: 401 Unauthorized : Unauthorized access in file [SITE]/sitecake/2.3.5/src/Sitecake/Dispatcher.php on line (#75)

Hi, can you write exact steps you did so I can try to reproduce error you get?

Hey, I had an sc content tag inside a slider, when i rearranged the slider text everything seemed to work again, although it takes a while to save at times… a progress bar would be handy?


is your site big? It could be that you have files inside your site root dir that are not handled by sitecake (framework dir or maybe wordpress dir). You can tell sitecake to ignore those files/dirs by uploading .scignore to your site root and stating those files/dirs one in each line. Eg.

#.scignore file content
