Cannot upload SPSS .sav files

I can upload common filetypes PDF and DOCX without problems. However when I try uploading a .sav file from SPSS (Statistical Software) I get an error that this filetype is not allowed. I had a look through the SiteCake code, but can’t find a list with allowed extensions. I suspect that the editor is checking the file extension, but don;t know where to start looking.

How do I allow .sav files (and possibly other uncommon extensions) to be uploaded?

Bump. Really wondering where to change the allowed file extensions. Other filetypes that don’t work for me are .CSV and SPS. I could of course ZIP all the files, but that’s extra steps I would like to avoid.


Sitecake suports drag and drop upload of these file types by default:

// images
“bmp, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif,”

// audio
“wma, mp3, mpa, m3u, ra, mid,”

// video
“wmv, vob, swf, mov, mp4, mpg, mpeg, avi, flv, rm,”

// documents
“pdf, doc, docx, xls, ppt, pptx, xlsx, wks, odt, sxw, rtf, txt, dot, xml, otf, ttf,”

// archives
“zip, 7z, tar, bz, tgz, rar, deb, rpm, zipx, pkg, iso, dmg,”

// misc
“ai, drw, psd, eps, ps, svg”

You can create custom list of file types in editor.cnf file, like this:

FileUploaderItem.allowedExtensions = "ssav, jpg, doc"

Working Great! Many Thanks!

Is this something that is worth adding to the editor.cfg readme?