Can I change the web site after testing on my site?

I am a web dev and want to test sitecake on my site first and to show the client.

Once they decide they want sitecake…do I just remove the files from my site and
install on the client site?

Yes. Sitecake will work.

OK…so this will work?

Once they decide they want sitecake…do I just remove the files from my site and
install on the client site?

You can have Sitecake on two different URLs with one license. Development and production. Development can be local or some online server. So, you do not need to remove your files once you put the website live, because you will update and test website locally all the time.

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Here in Brazil, we have a service that allows you to test sitecake for 7 days!

OK…so how do I tell the code that its ‘Production’?

Sitecake knows. Do not worry.