Bug with <address> element?

I have a <address> elmt in my code which isn’t even editable (no sc-content class).
In edit mode it appears as:
Current version is 2.4.6.
Any thoughts?

Hi, this could be due malformed HTML. Can you send site url and sitecake pass in PM so I can check it out? Just click on my avatar and you should get ‘Message’ option

I check it out and it seems there’s a small bug in HTML parsing. Fix will be included in next release.
If you need to solve this asap, you can open sitecake/2.4.6/src/Sitecake/DOM/Element/Link.php and replace code on line #29
return '<a[^>]*>';
return '<a\s[^>]*>';

Hi Pedrag
Is this fixed in the v2.4.7 release?

Yes, it is. You are safe u update normally.