Added sc-content to div on a page and cannot edit!

The sc-content class allows content to be editable on my index.html, but not on another page in my navigation. Sitecake adds the “sitecake.php?page=reclaimedbarnwood.html” to the anchor element in my navigation and even has the sitecake menu when navigating to this page, but the sc-content div is not editable. Please help!

Thanks and awesome software! -Rich

Check z-index of other elements on the page. Some might cover Sitecake editor. Try not to include any css and edit. If it works then the problem is with CSS.

I think I modified the html of the page in Brackets editor after I installed Sitecake. I reinstalled and works fine.

I also saw that if you delete your Sitecake temp folder, you can make html changes in an editor without Sitecake not seeing the changes.

From next release Sitecake will check if HTML is changed. if it is the case, it will abandon draft and load new HTML. It seems more logical.