About https or relative links


I need to insert new links inside editable text by sitecake - for example i need link to the root of the site - when try just “/” it publishes like “http:///” it is incorrect.

Ok, I’ve tried also write domain name like “domain.com” it publishes like “http://domain.com” but i have https site - i need all my links will be like “https://domain.com” or just “//domain.com

Tell me please how to rule this?

Thank you


as for relative links, those are not currently supported by sitecake. We’ll add support in next release. As for HTTPS, it should work. If you want url to be https, just copy full URL with https:// protocol in front. So if you want to link to domain.com on HTTPS, you should put https://domain.com. Otherwise it will set default protocol to HTTP. It won’t show in link input but if you check your source code you’ll see that it’s linked with https://.

@predragleka Thank you!