I followed the guides to install and everything worked great (index.php) until added the following piece of PHP to the page. Once I add this and login to edit the page it loads with the exception of the code below (I know because the image don’t load) then after about 5 seconds it goes to the blue error page.
What am I doing wrong? Previously this was an INCLUDE but that doesn’t work in 2.4.8 so I found another solution but it seems like any (including a basic variable) PHP I add to the page makes it crash. I don’t think the code below is the issue really but any thoughts would help.
I’ve checked permissions as well and set /sitecake and sitecake.php to 777.
Running Apache/PHP 7.0.31
I can post links to the page if needed.
I’d like to make this work but it seems like it’s rather fragile CMS. I really hope it’s not but I can’t figure this one out.