Problem installing Sitecake (Fatal Error: Uncaught TypeError)


I’ve been bussy trying to get Sitecake to work on a remote server and have uploaded the Sitecake folder to the root directory (root/sitecake) but whenever I try to visit the login page I get the following error:

Fatal Error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Sitecake\Error\ErrorHandler::handleException() must be an instance of Exception, instance of Error given in [SITE]/sitecake/2.3.6/src/Sitecake/Error/ErrorHandler.php:314
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: Sitecake\Error\ErrorHandler::handleException(Object(Error))
#1 {main}
thrown in file [SITE]/sitecake/2.3.6/src/Sitecake/Error/ErrorHandler.php on line (#314)

I’m using PHP 7.

Hi, it is due PHP 7 error handling. This bug is fixed in next release of Sitecake. Code is already done but still in beta testing. If you have possibility downgrade back to PHP 7 and you can upgrade when new release is out.