Forms for contacting by email

Hi, I’d like to be able to add in a simple form for being contacted. presently using my email on the website in plain text; expecting the spam to ramp up as this is a Spam magnet. Please can we have a simple drag and drop box to add in. Needs the reply email address (obviously), persons name, subject line field and text field.

Also, an optionally, a very simple captacha would be nice - eg as Admin puts in the a small list of questions/answers and have sitecake match the reply - even if it was only a rotating 2 or 3 set of Q&A that would be enough.


new sitecake version is coming out soon and it will have server side plugin support. We will also release contact plugin as an example. Due only server side plugins will be supported form would need to be created on the page by a designer/developer and email sending and basic config like ‘to’ and ‘from’ address would be configurable. Captcha will probably won’t be part of it, but plugin will be available on our github and you could modify it to add captcha

Hi, till the new version of Sitecake is released i use this tool on my site.