Sitepages are getting reset after every change

I’m totally new to Sitecake. I installed the package that came with my hosting acocunt. I only need a very simple ‘old school’ website with 4 pages, And wordpress, Joomla, Drupal are way to complicated for what I need.

The install came with a default theme called ‘Portfolio’

I managed to changed some text and remove pictures, all went as it shows in the youtube toturial.

But what I cannot find in any manual / tutorial is how to change the menu. as well as the title picture. the menubar and everything above is not possible to edit. Also the footer is impossible to edit.

So I replaced the picture with the picture I wanted by overwriting the original via FTP on the webserver.

and I also edited the html files with menues I wanted . (And removing the twitter and facebook icons as well) and did the upload with FTP.

But now as soon as I enter edit mode the original pages are placed back. (Only the my replaced picture stayed)

I can only assume that there must be a better way to change the menu, but I just cannot find it, I tried all buttons on the edit bar. But nothing that can influence the menu. Also I searched for totutials and manuals, but the only thing I can find is how to change the content, nothing about how to manage the menus, or changing the that was the way to go.

In current version, 2.2.10 only way to make changes to menu is to do it manually through HTML. Once you upload HTML, you need to delete /sitecake-temp folder that holds draft from last edit session. Than Sitecake will re-read new HTML. This is explained in docs, here:

In next version we will change how this work, Sitecake will always start editing from latest HTML files on the server. Also, next version will come with Page Manager feature and ability to add/delete pages, change the top meny, etc.

Template is updated so that logo is also editable with Sitecake, you can download it here:

The updated theme is a great update. And with the deletion of the temp folder after manually editing the files it works great now.

Thank you for the great help!

Thanks! That helped a lot