Logging in to live site not working and also breaking css stylesheet

I’ve been working on a site on my local machine and, while a bumpy transistion, I’ve gotten most things to work properly. When I upload the site to my staging server, the .html version looks/functions like it should but when you try to login to /sitecake.php the page refreshes to show you the site as if there were no css stylesheet and the sitecake login options aren’t there? Also, I uploaded the demo site as a sub-folder just to make sure it wasn’t something I was doing wrong in the html.

The staging site is http://crawfordmendez.staging.tubemedia.website/

and the demo site is demo/

Feel free to try loggin into either one to see if you can help me. The login info is just the defaults right now.

Thanks in advance. I appreciate any help you guys can give me!!

Check your server settings. Your server is adding slash (/) at the end of url, but I’m not sure why. It’s not adding slash when html file is in question. Maybe you have .htaccess or something in your server config file. Let me know if you figured it out.

Thanks for the help! After focussing on the trailing slash issue, searching in the forums gave me this thread.

I was also running PHP 7.0 on the server and 5.6 (I think) on my local install. Changing it to 5.6 solved the problem.

One other thing I can’t figure out. What am I doing wrong with the images. When you try to upload an image in place of that generic profile pic it distorts the image ratio like crazy. Looks like it’s adding some inline styles to the uploaded image. Feel free to try it on this site if it helps. All I need to do to reset is push and update to the repo.

Hi, I can’t reproduce it. Can you send a screenshot or try some image from web and send url so I can try with same image? What browser do you use?

Sometimes template CSS clashes with Sitecake resizing module. Try turning off all CSS for your website and try upload the image, if it works fine go hunt for the CSS that causes that distortion. Usually rules that start with * mess up with Sc CSS.

We plan to shield Sc CSS better, but not until some next release.